Life Is Like Boxing! Protect Yourself At All Times. Here is why…
If you have lived long enough, then you know that life ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, especially in the digital world.
The internet gives trolls and cyber criminals a perfect place to steal your data, either to sell or impersonate you on the web to tarnish your reputation because of whatever reason, perhaps a personal vendetta.
In today’s digital world, protecting your personal information and online presence is more important than ever.
Whether you’re browsing social media, shopping, gaming or just chatting online, you need to put your guard up.
If not, you’ll never see that left hook that comes in, which could potentially drop you on the floor.
Being aware of the methods and tactics that cyber criminals and vengeful people could take, is more important than ever in this digital age.
Why Cybersecurity Awareness Matters
The internet can be a dangerous place if you don’t know how to protect yourself.
On face value, it will all look normal and innocuous, but thats precisely how bad actors take advantage.
For instance, if you are using the internet without a VPN, you are basically an open target for any bad actor to get your data.
They may probably have it already and just waiting for the right time to strike.
Every day, millions of people fall victim to cyberattacks—phishing scams, identity theft, malware infections, and more.
I’ll keep this PG13.
If your parents ever told you to use protection at all times, it’s applicable to accessing the internet too.
I’ll leave it at that.
Aside from using a VPN, its all a matter of having an understanding of how things are connected and what tactics bad actors use to entice you to willfully share confidential information. Operative word, willfully!
Now you can go online and read random blog posts or take the normal advice from your coworkers or buddies like “Dude, never click on links in an email”
That approach will only protect you so far.
Cyber criminals are really crafty. They think outside the box and exploit our natural human tendencies to get you to take actions that are compromising for you.
You wanna see a great depiction of this? Watch the movie, The Beekeeper.
Here is the good news though.
You don’t have to be a tech wizard to keep your data safe.
We have put together insanely good free resources series that is designed for everyone.
These simple, practical lessons will help you become aware of the common online threats.
Feel free to dive deep into the posts below.